TeamSpeak for Android & iOS

Teamspeak 3 has now ported its state of the art client to the 2 major smartphone platforms, Andoird and iOS. We are proud to say that TserverHQ is one of the few providers that truly supports the use and wide scale implementation and support of Teamspeak's official smart phone app for the Android and iOS.
What is so great about the smartphone applications? It is exactly as it sounds, it is a TeamSpeak 3 client for your phone. A direct line of communication to the users on your server anywhere that you have a phone signal. it is a pretty awesome innovation and the voice quality surprisingly is just as good as the regular client, unless you're on your mobile network and in that case it will use a lower codec that way you can still communicate..
Download TeamSpeak 3 for Your Smartphone
Just click on this link and you will be directed to the download location for the TeamSpeak 3 Android app or iOS app.

TserverHQ's TeamSpeak 3 servers are fully supported and compatible with the TeamSpeak 3 on both iOS and Android. Each server purchase from TserverHQ comes with true 24/7 support for both official applications on Android and iPhone; all included at no extra charge.
Not a customer and need help?
If you don't have access to our 24 hour support team then some of the below guides can still help.
TeamSpeak for Android Guides
- How to install TeamSpeak 3 on Android
- How to connect to a TeamSpeak 3 server on Android
- More guides to come as more features are added.
TeamSpeak 3 Smartphone app for iPhone Guides
- How to install TeamSpeak 3 on iPhone
- How to connect to a TeamSpeak 3 server on iPhone
- More guides to come as more features are added.