
Configure your desired options and continue to checkout.

One-time Administrator Intervention

We will perform the following actions your server after purchase of this service.

  1. Harden the server specifically the SSH service of your server to make it more secure from hackers
  2. We'll fix any issues you may be having with your server, and provide a solution to fix anything we can't such as hardware issues.
  3. We'll setup automatic start, and reboot scripts for your game/voice processes so that they can automatically recover after a crash
  4. We'll set up a firewall with customized scripts that will automatically ban hackers at the OS level.

After purchase an admin will contact you within 24-48 hours to perform all the work.

اطلاعات لازمه دیگر
Enter IPv4 Address for us to work on.
Just the port number. Example: 22
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