
How to create spacer channels in TeamSpeak 3

Regular Spacer Channels

Right click on Server Name and choose "Create Spacer"

Then use format "[?Spacer#]Text". Where "?" can be an alignment (r = right, c = center, l = left).

You can also note the five special spacers:

DOTLINE: "..."

Change "#" to get an unique channel name, the value doesn't matter. Example: [cSpacer0]a centered text, [rSpacer1]a right aligned text.

Repeating Spacer Channels

If "*" is used in the [?Spacer#] area then, all chars after the spacer-tag will be repeated until the whole line is filled. Example:[*spacer0]#==

"Blank" Spacer Channels

To have a spacer appear blank simply input this: [rSpacer0]. You are inputing a period that will be flushed all the way to the right this will make the spacer appear to be empty.

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