It is very simple to increase or decrease your server size at anytime using our automated system. It can be done in 3 easy steps.
Step 1
Simply click on the "My Services" link under the Services section that is in the toolbar above when logged in, or follow this link: once you get to that page select your the service that you would like to change.
Step 2
On the next page you will see all the details in relation to your server. From this page you can control all aspects of your billing, control panel access and other features that we proudly support. At the right-hand side of that page you can "Upgrade/Downgrade" your product.
Step 3
In the upgrade/downgrade area you can instantly modify your server size.
- If you are upgrading your package to a larger size your card will ONLY be charged the prorated amount for your server. This means that if you have 10 days left before your next bill you will only be charged for the amount of extra users/resources for only those 10 days. If you have any credit on the account the credit will automatically be used in its stead.
- If you are downgrading the size of your server the prorated amount for your server will be returned to your account in the form of credit.
Our intuitive billing system ensures that you are NEVER paying anything more or less than you should.