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Can i use automatic payments though PayPal subscriptions?

Yes! We even encourage customers to make use of PayPal's wonderful subscription feature when it is nessecary. The best method for payment is using our built in credit card feature so you don't need to go through all the extra steps but it gets the job done all the same.

How do you setup a subscription?

Simply pay your invoice on time, before the due date. When selecting your payment method simply select PayPal subscription. At that point you are setting up an automatic payment system where PayPal will automatically take payments out of your account and send them to us. If you would like to cancel this subscription at anytime you can do so by going into your PayPal account and selecting the "Cancel subscription" option. To setup automatic payments view your invoices here: https://tserverhq.com/clients/clientarea.php?action=invoices

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